View Full Version : Party in Minneapolis

May 17th, 2004, 03:27 PM
My sister joined me this weekend from chicago. We went out and had a great time at a few clubs on friday, then ate at Heather and my favorate place in uptown. Here are some pics:

Ps: yes there was drinking...

May 17th, 2004, 03:33 PM
Nice, now which one is your sister???

May 17th, 2004, 03:35 PM
shes the one that you wont be making any comments about what so ever.. unless that is of course you dont want to be able to sleep at night...

heather is the hottie with the wavy hair (rawr).

May 17th, 2004, 03:43 PM
Some people just don't remember the pic I posted...

May 17th, 2004, 03:44 PM
wow tech lol i forgot about that picture hahaha...

man i look different in thos pics...

May 17th, 2004, 03:45 PM
What's with all the fruity drinks with umbrellas?? A don't try saying they belong to the women cause they are sitting right in front of you. :stick

May 17th, 2004, 03:48 PM
What's with all the fruity drinks with umbrellas?? A don't try saying they belong to the women cause they are sitting right in front of you. :stick

In H's defense, ONE of them was mine.

May 17th, 2004, 03:51 PM
im not gona talk about why there where special things in my glass... apparently the waitress liked me...

I had a blue hawaiian and then a jack and coke and 2 jim and sprite.

i like to try something different, then go to the real drinks.

May 17th, 2004, 04:41 PM
I feel sorry for your sister, she'd had no choice but to live with you all of her life. BUT, HEATHER! Come on, girl! Get some glasses! LOL

Just picking to be picking. Heather, get a big stick and keep him in line. :D

May 17th, 2004, 05:02 PM
Jared...you know my cell #...pass the digits along the family tree

May 17th, 2004, 05:52 PM
Jared...you know my cell #...pass the digits along the family tree
omg...you freak! The only numbers you will need to remember are 9-1-1...memorize those, cuz you're gonna need them.

May 17th, 2004, 07:28 PM
haha i'm only kidding

May 17th, 2004, 09:39 PM
couple of cuties.. I'ma post a few of lauren and I when she starts to feel better.. You can see the before and after affect of drinking... the "during" aspec can get pretty bad... but we sell those private.. anywho looks like yall had a blast!

May 17th, 2004, 09:41 PM
suntrails.. btw.. your eyes look very scary in that past pic. H watch out, if she starts to fly just run!

May 17th, 2004, 10:53 PM
i was gonna guess H's sister was the one with her hand not on his thigh, /shrug, but i dunno how those yankees up north do it :D :D

May 18th, 2004, 06:03 AM
lmao w00t at pics Looks like a good time! Where are the mint juleps?

May 18th, 2004, 09:14 AM
suntrails.. btw.. your eyes look very scary in that past pic. H watch out, if she starts to fly just run!

Lol, they say the camera never lies End! :devil

Bwah ha ha.


May 18th, 2004, 09:35 AM
lol. Sun, you aren't supposed to hax yourself! lol

May 18th, 2004, 09:38 AM
It's quicker to hax myself than to wait around for you guys to do it, lol.

May 18th, 2004, 10:03 AM
i was gonna guess H's sister was the one with her hand not on his thigh, /shrug, but i dunno how those yankees up north do it :D :Dewwww...that's just wrong. LOL
