View Full Version : Problem with steam.. again

May 4th, 2004, 09:17 AM
My brother wanted to start back playing CS, so he bought HalfLife and was just going to install the mod.. anywho i installed halflife and downloaded steam... I installed steam but when it completed a Windows error came up and said "Steam has encountered a problem and has to shut down, were sorry bla blah bla bla bla etc. Send error Reprt Don't send error report." Well anywho i sent error report and nothing happened.. I closed out steam and tried it again, same thing happened.. I put it on my dads new puter and it works fine. WTF could be rong with my brothers computer that wouldnt let it take steam? I deleted steam like 4 times and reinstlled it. Also, i got pass it by just ignoring it and i was able to make an account - after i clicked login it said "Steam coul not connect to the internet. This could be of many problems. Perhaps your internet connection, or an internet cable is unpluged. For more details visit steampowered.com" visited.. nothing useful.. So i hadda turn to you guys, help a brother out... Oh and too, i hadda install windows again on my brothers computer.. And now, i need to register windows.. and it says im unable to connect to the internet.. which is stupid cause i was on LA_MERC.com while trying to register windows.. WTF is rong with that stupid thing!?!??! HELP ME!! :stick :stick

May 4th, 2004, 09:33 AM
anyone one notice we his lasr resort :)not sure acid maybe its something with his router or modem?

[uGa] Saint
May 4th, 2004, 09:49 AM
i think other people have more experience with routers and stuff, but maybe yours is blocking the port windows uses to register with...? port 80 is used for the internet, so maybe your firewall or something is blocking the other port... and id agree steampowered's forum sucks, they'll give advice like change the skin color and maybe it will work.

May 4th, 2004, 11:19 AM
lmao, how do i get rid of the firewall then? :(

[uGa] Saint
May 4th, 2004, 11:25 AM
if its a firewall on your computer you could turn it off, but if its a firewall on your router... then i have absolutely no idea, im not even positive there are firewalls in routers... im just a waste of space :stick . haha, i was just trying to throw out some ideas for those more knowledgable than myself. i would go for the latech kick maneuver described in another thread... sorry :sad:

May 4th, 2004, 04:58 PM
I put it on my dads new puter and it works fine.


May 4th, 2004, 05:19 PM
First tip: Slap him for buying Half Life, rather than Blueshift.

May 4th, 2004, 05:20 PM
Oh no not again I can't take much more guys. I'm still sore.

May 5th, 2004, 11:30 AM
I have a simular problem every time steam puts out an update and have to reinstall everything and then go back to steam and get new update. but im on dialup, so it takes me about two hours once a month to be able to play again. I just assume its a problem with dialup, but not sure.
