View Full Version : Comment

April 22nd, 2004, 12:24 AM
Tonight on the server, a few of my friends and I played in your server. During one map, three of them had their config changed. My friend Kristen said "whoever is execclient-ing me, plz stop." Hybrid began denying it, and no one accused him. Kristen also stated that she said someone and not him. The locals Kristen, Adam, Jess, and I have attempted to get along with everyone on the server. We came by the Lan tourney the past weekend, in hopes that everyone would see that we aren't as bad as most people portray us to be. (Back to the point) Tonight Kristen was banned, because of her attitude. She did not have one, and Hybrid said that he was going to take away her playing priviliges. he then banned her, and told adam that he wasn't putting up with anymore "drama". I'm trying to go abotu this the best possible way, but for some reason we just can win. I would just like for this ban to be looked into, more than just asking one person....Thanks for your time.

April 22nd, 2004, 12:36 AM
On several occations Kristen has portrayed an attutuide twoard Merc members and admins. I do not have any personal issues with Adam or Kristen. The events of her ban have already been posted in the admins section of our forums and all bans are looked into. There where no other admins in the server at the time she stated someone was messing with her settings, and i do not even have that level of access. That is not the main reason of her playng privilages being revoked, like i stated her attitude is the reason.

Yes this is Mercs Public server. Yes we want everyone to have fair gameplay and to be able to enjoy playing unpesterd in our server, but it comes down to the fact that it is a merc server and its mercs that are providing you with a place to play. Showing an attutide that is unwanted twoard merc members is unacceptable.

Im closing this thread to stop further "drama."

April 22nd, 2004, 06:16 AM
So 3 of them had their configs changed? Which 3 people and which settings? Just to let you know, the last time someone accused an admin of changing their configs, they were DEAD wrong.
