View Full Version : Sat night at the lan

April 18th, 2004, 08:21 PM
We started out at 6 pm at hooters, i think between 8 of us, we had 160 something tab. Just a few pitchers of beer in an hour. Then we got back to the lan, and went to this hole in the wall called the foxhole. Yankee got this huge drink, and then we sat up at the bar and took a buncha shots. At 11 or so, we all went back to the lan. Then we let the girls quit drinking(dirge, Andy, Yankee, Toby) and me redneck madmax and my ole lady went to top gun to keep drinking. When we got back sat night, playing so lit up, got pwned so much. Dirge had this ball(which i have confiscated and holding for ransom), that thing got thrown around so much. Sat night was crazy fun.

April 18th, 2004, 08:36 PM
Yeah, man that was a ton of fun,would have went back out with you guys again but, I had taken some headache med.s and would have went back for more money.... Next time I will not be so broke.....

April 19th, 2004, 06:10 AM
that sounds like a everyday thing Drax :twak

April 19th, 2004, 08:40 AM
By the way, Little Birdy Lost his "Hoola Hoop Masta" title to a 4 year old girl with pig tails at hooters. After the 4 year old laid down her L337 skills on Birdy, her father started heckling Birdy.

April 19th, 2004, 09:10 AM
Let's clarify that the fun did not end as soon as we got back to the LAN. Just ask AndyConda who continued with his mission and ended up in a ditch a little later. We just took the cheaper route. :stick

April 19th, 2004, 10:46 AM
Andy Andy Andy....tisk tisk....Boy will sleep anywhere! Street car tracks, ditches.. LMAO!

April 19th, 2004, 10:51 AM
Other places andy sleeps:

Spoonin spark (and yes we're talking tight spooning with the arm reached around the hug tight)

April 19th, 2004, 12:41 PM

April 19th, 2004, 01:07 PM

April 19th, 2004, 01:40 PM
Andy Andy Andy....tisk tisk....Boy will sleep anywhere! Street car tracks, ditches.. LMAO!

HEY NOW!, I slept in a street car before and there is nothing wrong with it until the stupid railman made me get up and leave though :(

April 19th, 2004, 06:00 PM
Awful nice of Andy to give ole Sparky a reach around. :drunk3

April 19th, 2004, 06:26 PM
yeah.. Andy's a nice fella... Drax these repeated attacks will get you no where... you arse is mine when i get back up to Ruston! And btw the way I aint nice like Andy.. No reach around for j00!

April 19th, 2004, 06:46 PM
Saturday Night, FUN FUN FUN,,,,Sunday Morning about 4 AM ....NOT SO FUN....OHHHH my FREAKING HEAD.

April 19th, 2004, 07:42 PM
yeah Yellow was so friendly Sat night...lol

April 19th, 2004, 08:22 PM
Yellowpuppy was very, very mellow that night as well as Max. LOL! Yellow was really funny acting. Had to stop him from making a boon of himself. hehehe!

Little Birdy
April 19th, 2004, 09:12 PM
she was warmed up hax0rs... anyways I won 1/3 rounds in my second match with the hooter girl... If you had just let me warm up like I asked, but no... cold turkey (or ham) jeez....

April 20th, 2004, 12:16 AM
Yea, i think Max may have been alittle too loose, he was tryin to doze off in Top Gun :D :D

April 20th, 2004, 11:07 AM
The biggest f00 in that group was Redneck. Nub wouldn't stop huggin me. I was like IM NOT IN CALIFORNIA NOW!!! QUIT IT!!

April 20th, 2004, 12:13 PM
Yeah it was great. Airborne went MIA for awhile though. Just as I was starting to gather a search party, someone that almost looked like him showed up. Think all that partying had him occupied the following morning. :gottago:

April 20th, 2004, 12:22 PM
Ill do you one better....

Junky showed up as we were getting ready to leave after completely tearing down the setup...lol. It was like 3:30pm he finaly made an appearance.

April 20th, 2004, 12:47 PM
I gotta give redneck props tho, he did keep drinking with me the whole night, unlike a few nubs...
