View Full Version : Real or Fake?

April 14th, 2004, 07:24 AM
I pulled this off a web site that asked "Is it real or is it fake?"

Notice the cardboard, it says something to the affect that someone killed their father and then knocked up their sister. Don't get me wrong, I find that to be really disturbing! Yeah, I'm sure the Marines need something to do for entertainment but picking on the locals is probably not the best way to do it.

April 14th, 2004, 07:32 AM
I'm thinking fake...

April 14th, 2004, 07:33 AM
I would hope fake...

April 14th, 2004, 07:39 AM
thinking that would be a fake and also kinda cruel

April 14th, 2004, 07:49 AM
Looks real to me, I would say its not fake. why do I say its not fake, cuz its not even that big of a deal, its not like he is holding up a bloody head, he just has some kid who cant speak English holding up a stupid sign. In a place of war where people are being killed left and right, in a place where the true meaning of the word cruel could easily be redefined, this is nothing compared to that horror, this little sign means nothing and I am surprised it even sparked anyone’s attention.

April 14th, 2004, 08:04 AM
it is in poor taste.... :twak

April 14th, 2004, 08:05 AM
man I was hoping this was a drunken forum picture, when I looked at the title of the thread....:o

April 14th, 2004, 08:17 AM
man I was hoping this was a drunken forum picture, when I looked at the title of the thread....:o

Sorry Big D. But if you notice the little "r" after the thread starter's name - that means "restricted" in this case. hehehe :stick

April 14th, 2004, 08:20 AM
AH HA! I found the real picture on the Al Jazera webpage...

April 14th, 2004, 08:29 AM
BAD Tech! :twak BAD! :twak

April 14th, 2004, 09:12 AM
This was posted on a forum I visit daily about 2 weeks ago. Here is a link to a request by CAIR to investigate:


Also, here are a coplue of quotes from people who have been looking over the photo on that forum:

Also, you can see that the kid is holding the cardboard at an angle. If the text was written before the picture was taken, you would expect the letters to be slanted at almost the exact same angle as the cardboard (with the basic assumption that the soldier would have written straight across from left to right, while holding the cardboard straight.)
If the text was written AFTER the picture was taken, you would likewise expect that the person doing the photoshopping would write straight across from left to right, but this time, while the cardboard is still slanted; meaning that if you rotated the cardboard counter-clockwise, so to be straight, then the letters would be look like they were slanted to the left. I rotated the cardboard counter-clockwise to align the top and bottom portions of the cardboard, and you can see that the writing appears to be quite straight.
So from that sense, anyway, it doesn't look photoshopped. Still, hard to tell.

and another:

Take a close look with photoshop and you can see a number of pixel and edge discrepancies. I took a look at the originally posted photo on CAIR's website. Mouthlines have been edited, and if you look closely at shadow match around the head and shoulders of the soldier, there are a few problems there too. Whoever did it knew what they were doing, but it still isn't perfect (never is).

It is most likely a fake as I would hope that no one is that stupid. Also Lt. Dan, I will remember that if I ever kill you, screw your daughter, then make your son who is fatherless hold up a sigh he doesn't understand saying this that it's no big deal on the larger scheme of things.

April 14th, 2004, 09:28 AM
CAIR = worthless as the teat on a boar hog! They are nothing more than an anti-American group!

The picture is obviously a fake! No way something like that would happen, no way.

April 14th, 2004, 09:42 AM
Wow, this subject just made it to the front page of yahoo now:

April 14th, 2004, 11:50 AM
Dirge...are friggin kidding me? Something like that wouldn't happen? I GUARENTEE stuff like that goes on. EVERY military guy here at work agrees that not only does it go on but that they THEY would personaly do it because its funny. The mistake was letting go of the photo. Youre fooling yourself if you think it wouldn't happen. It's a way of dealing with the daily stress of constant threat and horror. I work juvi sex crimes and the funniest shirt Ive seen inn a long time says "I swear I dind't know she was 3". You may think thats sick but to me, its funny and a way to deal with that BS I have to.

April 14th, 2004, 12:00 PM
evertime my wife watches Law&Order SVU I think of you CfH, it must be tough

April 14th, 2004, 12:03 PM
I didn't mean the event couldn't happen. What I mean is there is now ay that THAT happened. What to find out what's behind something? Look to who benefits from something. Would the soldier? No! A Marine Lt cpl is not dumb enough to think that. Then why would he have the picture taken! Look at who is complaining. CAIR? Gimme a break, they are one of the most virtiolic, anti-American groups out there. Like straight G said, it's an obvious fake, according to a close examination. Look at the arabic language at the bottom, doesn't it look like they got it and started it? You really believe they don't have an agenda.

April 14th, 2004, 12:41 PM
Of coarse they have an agenda but I guarentee there are pics out there like that. Someone got drunk or pissed and the pic got out...assuming its real. Either way, that guy is SCREWED! They plastered his pic AND NAME all over the net. True or not, I feel bad for him.

BTW, you see where the story is out of?? Me thinks Dirge is more closesly connected then we though.;)

April 14th, 2004, 12:55 PM
The real pic btw:


April 14th, 2004, 01:02 PM
That link didn't work str8g

April 14th, 2004, 01:25 PM
pos I can get it to thumbnail...


April 14th, 2004, 01:31 PM
hummm. You will find that the preview function is a really neat function. ESPECIALLY SINCE NO ONE CAN SEE THE DARN PIC! hehehe :twak

April 14th, 2004, 02:32 PM
This was posted on a forum I visit daily about 2 weeks ago. Here is a link to a request by CAIR to investigate:

It is most likely a fake as I would hope that no one is that stupid. Also Lt. Dan, I will remember that if I ever kill you, screw your daughter, then make your son who is fatherless hold up a sigh he doesn't understand saying this that it's no big deal on the larger scheme of things.

If you ever kill me? You are obviously taking this personally and attacking me is not going to make you feel any better about yourself. Referring to me as an example in your analogy is uncalled for.

When I say its not a big deal, I guess you did not read the rest of my post, I know you did not read the rest of my post. When compared to the life and death situation going on there, this sign means nothing to me. Do you really think this is the worst atrocity that has happened there. You are fooling yourself if you think this picture constitutes any kind of repercussion. It was done, I think by a bunch of grunts, not brain surgeons, just solders, at war. Do I think they feel a little animosity toward the Iraqis, I am sure they do.

I agree this picture is not very tasteful, but what taking place in a war zone is tasteful? answer... Nothing. The horrors that take place there daily are probably much more than most of us would like to believe. When compared to burned bodies hanging from bridges, I find this picture laughable. This is my opinion, deal with it.

P.S Don't you ever refer to me like that again.

April 14th, 2004, 04:37 PM
Well I see this went way past where I had entended for it go. Sorry guys - not my intent

[uGa] Saint
April 14th, 2004, 04:48 PM
that's really dissappointing if that isnt a fake. Hopefully if it is real its just an isolated incident, they represent us out there and if they look bad then we look bad...

and latech, i was rofl... i was not expecting that at all... haha :dunno

April 14th, 2004, 05:20 PM
Whoa str8g, you're talkin to my guy all wrong...It's the wrong tone...And I'd appreciate it if you watched yourself before you get banned from the forums for personally attacking my guy...Someone doctored the pic, and that's the end of it...There are MANY parents and children that have been killed in this war and many other wars, so I wouldn't get too riled up about this one stupid incident...

April 14th, 2004, 06:27 PM
Ok guys...just chill. Str8 and LtDan are going to explain themselves via ICQ or AIM. No need for anyone else to get involved. We're all adults here...

April 15th, 2004, 11:41 AM
']Well I see this went way past where I had entended for it go. Sorry guys - not my intent

ok that's it, i guess your not going to get rid of that scallywag tag....hehehe

April 15th, 2004, 11:51 AM
I'm actually thinking about keeping that and changing my name to Peg_Leg! :D
