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Joe Bo / Cledus
April 1st, 2004, 10:27 PM
Please help ....

Hey guys ..... i was banned from the server for supposively impersonating bighead

i don't know why i would impersonate

and if it did come from my computer ... .i'm not the only one that uses it

so if it is me i apoligize ... but i have no recolection of that ....

i really don't care about coming back in to the server but i hope i do ...

i came for the Play ... but i stayed for the people ..

hope y'all misunderstood this


April 1st, 2004, 10:33 PM
Your Steam id = STEAM_0:1:929016

The names used by that Steam id on the LA_MERC server are as follows:

Joe Bo, Rebequa's LOVER, Cledu$, LA_MERC_bighead, Bunny On Acid, <outKast> h0va, -(FS)-Blue, -(FS)- Blue, ))nHa(( Yamaha, Yamaha, Nevada beats Michigan State, Cheese Basket Supreme, -}Gold & Mild{- Cledu$, nHaKingOfAllKingsGold&Mild, Gold & Mild, C|edu$, -#It- Cledu$, -#It- Cledu$ - aka - Big Storm, -#IT- Cledu$

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 1st, 2004, 10:36 PM
for real ... can't say i didn't do it can i

well i have a cousin and a little brother that play on my computer .... they must of did it ..... i'll find out who did ....

don't understand why they would impersonate someone though


hope there isn't no hard feelings here ... cause i like you guys .... like i said ... i came for the play and stayed cause of the people


April 1st, 2004, 11:10 PM
LOL either people are shooting my bighead or trying to be bighead :P tsk tsk

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 1st, 2004, 11:13 PM
well i asked my little brother and he said that he just changed his name ... and switched back ... just as a joke .... he might be lieing though ....

but i'm sorry

hope i can get back in the server

April 2nd, 2004, 05:53 AM
Who ever used Bigheads name did it for almost a whole map, they would just spawn and kill themselves or let themselves be kills then check the rank like they were trying to drop bigheads name in the rank system. It went on for a while.

I also see a lot of other names of different people who play on the server. I'd advise you not to let your brother play on your pc or perminantly give him that steam id and you use your own.

April 2nd, 2004, 06:41 AM
wow gee my little brother once tried to rob a bank it wasn't me...

How convenient you have a little brother that plays on your computer.

April 2nd, 2004, 07:45 AM
Yeah, just ask Iccey and Silent Killer how well that defense works here...lmao

April 2nd, 2004, 08:35 AM
i dunno what the results going to be, but just don't let others play on your steam ID..simple as that. If they d/l hax, or in this case wanna be a nub.. i mean change thier name to bighead you will be banned for it. :)

April 2nd, 2004, 09:09 AM
yep we should look at the steam id not the player, if you let someone play on your computer and on your steam account, then you suffer the consequences.

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 2nd, 2004, 10:42 AM
i appreciate y'all's post .... except the one that practically says i'm lieing ..... BOY CRYED WOLF RING A BELL?

but i'm getting him is own cd key so we can have two accounts .... so no more problems

and yes ... he cares about the rank ... i don't really care about that ..

but you understand that with La_merc's stat *****s

o well ... whatever y'all decide let me know

April 2nd, 2004, 11:47 AM
I can pretty much tell you that no one that has replied to this thread is worried about stats. We play and switch teams all the time. Yes, at times we do like to play on the same teams as our clanmates but if someone "ask", we try to even up teams as best we can.

Also, we were not the ones changing our names to other players to make them look bad and trying to lower their ingame stats.

April 2nd, 2004, 07:33 PM
the boy who cried wolf got eated... :dance

April 2nd, 2004, 08:14 PM
just out of curiosity, was it you or your brother using the name bunny on acid?

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 3rd, 2004, 03:14 PM
i wasn't talking about y'all illegal ... i'm talking about campers ... such as Socom , my friend Mattie Bo .. that camp and don't even try to get the bomb ... just so they don't die

La_merc is high in my book .... the only time i don't play is when EoB is in .... cause i can't handle him and few can ... but he does switch teams alot ... so thats cool of him

i just said that b/c ... Dirge ... practically said i was lieing .... just b/c ... other people lie ... doesn't mean i do ... HENCE .. boy cried wolf ...

i'm not rushing things ... but am i going to be let back in YES OR NO?

Plz ... its like the only server i play at anymore

April 3rd, 2004, 09:26 PM
all this... drama over... name changing... ever wonder.. if it is a coincidence... that he has... a dual forum name... and... multiple server names... ?

April 4th, 2004, 03:32 PM

April 4th, 2004, 04:46 PM
My advice would be to give your brother that steam id and to get yourself a new one so that does not continue to happen

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 4th, 2004, 05:59 PM
is it a coincidence that my forum name is two names ... cause i use to play in this server a long time ago with Cledus ..... and now have started using JOEBO

w0w every think of that ..... op and others have been cool and stuff
you are really not a people person are you?

well another steam id # ... means another cd key doesn't it?

April 4th, 2004, 11:26 PM
The Bozo Bo's are always changing names...Off with their heads!!!

April 5th, 2004, 06:29 AM

April 5th, 2004, 01:13 PM
i wasn't talking about y'all illegal ... i'm talking about campers ... such as Socom , my friend Mattie Bo .. that camp and don't even try to get the bomb ... just so they don't die

La_merc is high in my book .... the only time i don't play is when EoB is in .... cause i can't handle him and few can ... but he does switch teams alot ... so thats cool of him

i just said that b/c ... Dirge ... practically said i was lieing .... just b/c ... other people lie ... doesn't mean i do ... HENCE .. boy cried wolf ...

i'm not rushing things ... but am i going to be let back in YES OR NO?

Plz ... its like the only server i play at anymore

lemmie know if you wanna play.. i'll log of the server a bit :haloween1

April 5th, 2004, 01:25 PM
No you won't. I try to get you to finish your house work all the time and you never do it for me! LOL :D

April 5th, 2004, 02:02 PM
lmao goose.. been done told you its tha wife job grrrrrr hahaha

April 5th, 2004, 02:59 PM
hummm. Let me see if I can't talk to your wife about that. hehehe JK!

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 6th, 2004, 04:50 PM
why do you wanna play me EoB .... i like you ..... you play on a team for awhile then switch teams to help out ..... i don't think you have played on the same team the whole map on cs20fighter

but o well .... guess i'm not going to play with you guys anymore .... nice knowing ya

April 6th, 2004, 05:28 PM
If you think I'm going to unban that steam id, you are mistaken.. I gave you my suggestion. Pretending to be others on the server (Especially our members) is strictly forbidden.

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 6th, 2004, 10:26 PM
If you think it was me that did that , you are mistaken. I gave you my apology. Not forgiving is your choice.

not to be a Smart... but i'm not about to buy a new cd key, to come back to your server, even though i want to.

bighead doesn't even look upset by this .... and the server stats have been reseted.
even though i want to play there again .. i don't care .... i just don't want y'all to think i'm a bad person .... cause it wasn't me .... even though DIRGE knows who plays on my computer and i guess reads my mind .... doesn't mean he is telling the truth

IT WASN"T ME .....

IT WASN"T ME .....

but o well .... y'all can't forgive ... so i guess were not CHRISTIANS here ... so whatever ..... take care MATURE LA_MERC ..... for the immature people THE HELL WITH YA

April 6th, 2004, 10:32 PM
bighead doesn't even look upset by this .... and the server stats have been reseted.


BTW, you DO realize that server stats aren't collected via the name used, but rather the STEAM_ID that is used, i.e., you could play as LA_MERC_bighead 'till your heart's content, but you would not affect bighead's stats in the least...

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 6th, 2004, 10:33 PM
i have to go on this ....

Is this a Dictatorship here? .... cause it looks like you make the decisions .... if anyone should have a word on this it should be Bighead ..... but i'm sure he is going to say the same thing as you cause he would be peer pressured into it..

and when you told me about this in the server ... you said DON"T DO IT AGAIN .... you were going to give me another chance .... but when i started to state my case you BANNED ME ..... i dont understand .... in USA ... the defense gets to state their case ...... are y'all a CULT .... plz let me know .... cause if so .... i might have to take that statement back about y'all .... cause i thought you guys were cool ... but i'm confused right now

Hope this doesn't make you mad ... cause it makes me mad ... i don't even play anymore ... cause LA_MERC was the only server i was in ...

and if i didn't feel this way ... or if i was lieing ... would i be making this much of an effort to try and get myself back in ????? ....

if i didn't give a sh.. i wouldn't be in here asking for FORGIVENESS ...

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 6th, 2004, 10:36 PM
o really madmax ... i didn't even know that .... so if I ( MY BROTHER ) impersonated him in the game ... by going like 0 and 30 .... he really didn't do anything to make my rank go higher did he? ... he only hurt it?

Well I ( MYSELF ) knew that .... so why would i do it ..... o wait .... Dirge must be right ..... it was my brother ... it was my dog ..... it was my goat ... it was me YOUR HONOR .... IT WASN"T



April 6th, 2004, 10:41 PM
Boy, someone needs to get the message that we don't need his immaturity here. Joe Bo, or whatever your name is, you need to realize that talking ugly about the clan members is not the way to get anyone in this great group of guys on your side. With an attitude like that no one will want you around.

April 6th, 2004, 10:53 PM
dude ..do u get confused when u go see your mother/sister cuz i think that there was some serious inbreeding goin on in your family ..the word is that you are banned for whatever reason..... deal with it!!!!

April 6th, 2004, 11:22 PM
Max, it doesn't affect the webpage stats but it does affect the ingame stats system and thats what (who ever was at his pc) was trying to accomplish.

Joe Bo, if you don't care then why do you keep posting?

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 6th, 2004, 11:44 PM
Mrs. i'm trying to tell ya'll that .... i'm not the bad person here ..... but i have been attacked for ... stateing my opinion ... is that wrong ??? ... i'm going to defend myself ... whether you think it is immature or not ....

what i mean OP ... is that I want back in ..... and I have told you why ... and i have said SORRY to you .... but for some reason i'm not in ... cause y'all don't forgive MYCOMPUTER .... but i can live without being in LAMERC ... i'm just telling you .... that ME JOEBO or whatever my name is ... cause y'all know what it is more than i do i guess .... did not do anything wrong in LAMERC .... my steam id did ... but i didn't .... even if you don't get the strength to be a good person and let me back in .... I DON"T CARE ... but i want you to realize that YOU BANNED SOMEONE THAT DIDN"T DO ANYTHIN .......... my steamid IS NOT ME .... JOEBO IS ME ..... do you understand that ...?

i'm not trying to be a smart butt or anything .... but i really am troubled that y'all don't understand and don't forgive me

i want in the server .... but i dont care ... that its going to end my life if i don't get back in LAMERC ... i care about YOU UNDERSTANDING ... but you don't and no one does .... hence the posting ..... and if you did understand and quit being a POWER head then i would be back in the server ... and we would be laughing about this .....

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 6th, 2004, 11:52 PM
Immature ..... Outkast ... thats a couple ...... if anything immature its dirge and outkast ... cause i have had nothing against them ... but yet .... they try to bagger me ...... Outkast must be the joker of the gang ... must make you feel really cool to lie about something .... when you look at RonWHIte, Jeff foxworthy, Rodney CArrington ... the true comedians .... do they lie about stuff ... no ... they tell the truth .... but if you think baggering me is going to help yourself look cool ... then go ahead and do that little kid ... but it doesn't bother me ... i'm really here trying to talk to illegal op ... but seems others must butt in ... and give their smartbutt comments .... and when I try to defend myself .... i get yelled at for being a smartbutt ..... does that make sense ..... maybe you should look upon your own rules ... and respect people with the equality .....

the inbreeding joke is so worn out COOL GUY ... lets be orginal

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 6th, 2004, 11:56 PM
sorry i missed this part from Outkast about "i was banned for whatever reason .... deal with it!!!!"




April 7th, 2004, 04:18 AM
Well this is the way I see it man. You or someone using your computer messed up. This caused your steam id to be ban. Don't know if it was a perm ban or a temp ban. What you should be asking is if it could be made a temp ban so you can be allowed back on the server. Whether you did it or your brother did it the steam id is going to be ban for a little while at least. If you want to get mad at someone then talk to the person that got your id ban. Also if you will make a complete sentence in your post it would help a lot. Getting mad at us is not going to help your case.

April 7th, 2004, 05:22 AM
Guilt by association is just as bad as doing it yourself.

Plead your case, let it be heard, then DROP IT. This senseless nagging and whining has to stop before we make our mind up permanently.

April 7th, 2004, 06:26 AM
omg.....is anyone......getting very.....annoyed......with all the ........ dots.......????

DUDE!!!! I was feeling sorry for you and almost believing you........then you decided to throw....out insults.....to one of our own......now i could care less.....if you ever see....the MERC server......again.

April 7th, 2004, 06:27 AM
LOL@Sabre :D

April 7th, 2004, 08:10 AM
You say your steam ID is not you...well it is you. Or atleast what represents you online. Just like an IP address identifies you on your computer to others on the internet. Your steam ID identifies you to game servers and steam authentification servers. You can change your game name a million times, but your steam ID remains the same and is what you are identified with.
Just like a social security number identifies you to the goverment, Driver License identifies you to the DMV and police, credit card # identifies you to the bank.
If you didn't care what happened to your credit card # and SSN, what do you think would happen when someone commited fraud using your ID, charged thousands of dollars to your credit line... do you think the judicial system would be won over by your argument that those are just #'s and not YOU.
Same is true, only with lessor penalty, with your steam ID. It is your ID, you didn't take precautions that either no one else could use it, or only those that you could trust. someone was being a jerk while using your steam ID, and your steam ID got banned from the server that person was being a jerk on.
Is it that big of deal? no, there are thousands of other servers you can play on.
Should we un-ban your steam ID? no, even if it wasn't you - you still didn't take care that no one else could use your ID, and you show no signs of wanting to take precautions about it in the future, you think you have done nothing wrong here when infact if you let someone use your ID to be a jerk to our members on our server.

April 7th, 2004, 08:18 AM
Joe Bo, just how old are you and how old is your brother? Did you talk to him about using other peoples names on the server and did he tell you he why he NOT ONLY used the name of one of our admins but other regulars that play on the server?

April 7th, 2004, 10:07 AM
I'm sorry. I had to stop reading this thread. The lack of commas were tearing me apart!!! I think toby said it at the beginning. If you don't want to loose your cd-key/steamID on the server, DON'T LET OTHERS USE IT! If you didn't know the rules, THEN READ THE RULES. Complaining, insulting, and name calling is not a way to be unbanned. And if you DO, which I doubt you will, get another CD-key, i'm not even sure that won't be banned due to this whole thread!!
SO STOP WITH THE PERIODS ......................... ............................ ........................... ............................. ............................ ..................hi................ ......................... ....................... .............. bye...............

April 7th, 2004, 10:14 AM
I don't have much to say about the whole situation except............................................ .........WHINE.................... WHINE..........................WHINE.............. ......................WHINE.......

oh yeah, WHINE. that is all.

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 7th, 2004, 10:25 AM
1: i only insulted when i felt i was being disrespected.

2: the steam id is not me .... cause anyone can get on my computer ... and use it, for instance, my brother.

3: even though my grammar and english is not perfect ... i don't see why that is a reason for me to be bashed

4: I explained my case, and from what i see, all i got was some disrespect and some non believers questioning my case.

5: i have nothing against any of you, only the ones that disrespected me with their post, Sabre if you felt sorry for me or felt my case, why couldn't you back me up? I figured that LAMERC was governed by Peer Pressure.

6: i told you it wasn't me, i said sorry, and came to the forum and pleaded....... and the solution? what esle do you want me to do?

Since you are the one running things ... Tell me what to do

A person has to make a mistake to sometimes learn from it.

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 7th, 2004, 10:27 AM
Rpsniper thanks for your post ... but ... i'm sure illegal gave me perm ... cause I stood my ground.

April 7th, 2004, 10:57 AM
there is a difference between standing your ground and insulting someone. In any case, two wrongs don't make a right. I suggest you deal directly with Op, or one of the admins on this one on one in a private message basis. that way you don't get everyones 2 cents on this matter.

April 7th, 2004, 11:03 AM
what you don't seem to understand is your steamID *is* you. As far as the server is concerned, if that steamID is banned, you are banned. Weather or not it was you or your brother that that did it is irreleveant. It was done on that steamID.

You come on here and "say" it wasn't you, you *say* it was your brother, but how do we know? How do we know for sure? You can come on here and say whatever you want to try and get out of your ban.

BTW, I can't believe you came out with that "are we all christians here" crap. That is so far away from having anything to do with this situation. You are just trying to exploit what you ASSUME is someone's religion. That ... statement ... alone ... was ... enough ... for ... the ... ban ... to ... be ... perm ... in ... my ... book.

April 7th, 2004, 11:21 AM
ok, I guess this guy isn't too bright since I tried to spell it out for him how his steam ID is how he is identified online, yet he continues to revel in his own misconstrued ideologies.
I will try to put it in terms that might make some sense to you:

you use a certain steam ID
that steam id lets everyone else identify YOU in game
you did not take percautions to keep anyone else from using that steam ID (either password your PC, do not let steam save your login so you have to log in everytime you play, etc.)
you or your brother screwed up while using that ID
that ID is banned
you act like a 14 year old ***** when you didn't have to respond at all to what others were saying
you still hang around after taking and giving personal abuse and being banned

It's a game, freakin move on. find another server. you don't like how some of us treated you? then go play somewhere else. we don't want to put up with the kind of crap that either you did or you allowed to happen on your PC/steam ID.

besides, I highly suspect and have a demo (just haven't reveiwed it or turning it in yet) that you or your brother were hacking when using the name "bunny on acid" that's why I asked at beginning of thread who used that name.

Joe Bo / Cledus
April 7th, 2004, 12:33 PM
Alright ... i lied ... you caught me ...... i did it ...... i wanted to be BIGHEAD ... and BUNNY ON ACID .... to ruin their in server stats. Hence killing myself alot. Well I guess this is it. You take it easy fellas. I've learned my lesson so if you feel the need to let me back in. Give me a Buzz on Aim or Icq. My step brother is 17 and he is mentally retarded (his real mom drank and smoked when she was pregnant), so he couldn't of done it, i'm a big fat liar with bad grammar.

Sorry i lied to you. I just really wanted to get back in. SOrry if i offended anyone.
I LOVE YOU GUYS. IN a friendly way.

If y'all decide to not let me back in. Thats cool. Ban Mattie Bo cause it was his idea. lol
i'll probably be left with so much temptation that i will go steal a cd key from wal mart or something. Just to get back in.


April 7th, 2004, 02:05 PM
i have a question .. does anyone actually know this guy... cuz beforee i saw him on the forums i have never even seen him before ... but it's good to know that he loves us..<<< in a friendly way .....

If y'all decide to not let me back in. Thats cool. Ban Mattie Bo cause it was his idea. lol
i'll probably be left with so much temptation that i will go steal a cd key from wal mart or something. Just to get back in.

So does that mean he is a lil turd that lied and know is trying to get someone else banned too .... maybe in old age i am gettin confused alot moree :D :shootme:

April 7th, 2004, 02:24 PM
I closed this thread, it was just getting rediculas.

April 7th, 2004, 06:48 PM

All I have to add is: You "run" a fraternity" yet your computer and hence where you spend time is not at the frat house, since your "reatarded" brother can play on your account but has the wherewithall to be able to play coherently and change names at will. So which is it baby?

Dirge is good, Dirge is wise, Dirge is fair. Dirge just calls em like he sees em.

GG to the clan members on this one!
