View Full Version : New skins

March 30th, 2004, 06:45 PM
I downloaded some neato skins but cant seem to get the right folder.. i know you dave in C:/Programs/Steam/SteamApps/[email protected]/counterstrike/cstrike- dont i dont know the other folder im spose to save it in, any help? Thanks :stick

March 30th, 2004, 07:44 PM
Need to create a models directory in your cstrike directory. Your skins will go there. You will need to create a Player and Shield directory inside the weapons directory. Your player skins will go in the player directory. Any file with "shield" in the file name will be placed in the shield directory.

Also, you may need to create the following directories in your cstrike\sounds directory.

Weapons - this is where the wav files for some weapon skins are to be placed
Radio - this is where the wav files for the radio sounds are to be placed
player - this is where the wav files for some player skins are to be placed

I am probably missing out on a couple of more things, but this will get you going.

March 30th, 2004, 09:24 PM
i still can't seem to get it to work! STUPID COMPUTER OPERATOR! RAWR! :p: lol, thanks mal, hopefully ill get it to work :stick

March 30th, 2004, 09:26 PM
Acid - don't you have a dell 2000 series w/ onboard intel video?

It will run like utter dog poopie w/ high poly models!

March 31st, 2004, 11:38 AM
exsqueeze me... its a 2350.. thank you :slap doh! i mean come on max! you know its a l337 puter w00t w00t

March 31st, 2004, 07:57 PM
Just trying to help man - if you have onboard video, new skins may make CS unplayable...If you get around $50 to spare, find a Geforce 4 MX 420, 440, or 460 in PCI version and stick it in there - you'll see a HUGE increase in FPS, prolly take you up to 100fps.

March 31st, 2004, 08:35 PM
any body know of a good site where i can get some good player skins?
