View Full Version : A tree beat me up..

March 28th, 2004, 07:54 AM
Kinda scary seeing your life flash thru your eyes. Then again it must have been worse for my wife and sister to see me free fall 35-40ft from a tree. My sister and I were having fun with our new B-B rifles we just bought. Well we saw a deer stand way out in our backyard. Sooo of course we gunna climb up it. My wife was on the ground watching us saying "your going to fall"..pfft..yea right..? Anyway after about 15mins of goofing off up in the stand, we dicided to get down. I went 1st, and as I was using, what I thought was a stronge branch to get down. It broke off from the tree and down I go. What was wierd was it felt like slow motion the whole way down. I was going head first into a pile or rocks, but as I was falling I reached for another tree that was beside it. Of course there were no branches on either tree to hit/grab a hold of (doh), so I tried to dig my fingers and legs into the tree to slow myself down. It kinda worked :dunno I guess, cause I ended up landing on my knees and hands. My sister said it looked like I was dead, but i poped back on my feet in 5 secs and said "I'm okay, i'm okay". That had to be the worse scare of my life, sisters, and wife. Luckly I walked away with only some deep cuts, and bein really sore hehe. Just glad someone was watching over me there, cause it could have been 20x worse. WEEEHAAAAAA!!!

March 28th, 2004, 10:39 AM
dang man...note to self...don't go in any tree EoB says is safe!

March 28th, 2004, 10:46 AM
omg dude! sorry bro! that sucks big time! just glad you okay :(

March 28th, 2004, 11:31 AM
hehehe - I'm sure most of the deer hunters will agree that a harness is your friend! :D

**Of the subject, sort of ** I was helping my dad hang some stands a few years back. We get the climbing stick attached to the tree and dad climbs up and hangs the lock on stand then steps on it to "lock it in". I'm standing under the stand when I hear this crashing sound - which was the chain popping loose from the hook on the stand, the stand crashing into the tree and my dad crashing into the tree as well. When the excitment had ended my dad is looking down at me - attached to the tree with his saftey harness and I'm looking up at him with my arms out. He asked me "Are you going to catch me?" YEAH RIGHT - six foot, 250 pound grown man from 25 feet in a tree - "Yeah, I got you." Anyway, since that day I wear my harness in every tree I climb - religiously. ** Ok, done with off the subject **

Sorry to hear about the fall EOB. Did you hurt your shooting hand any? :D

March 28th, 2004, 12:11 PM
Yea, he got beat up bad... but wanna know what hurt him the worst? The shoes he left in front of the bedroom door that he tripped over and twisted his foot/ankle on this morning....

Anyway, I thought I was gonna have to find a new guy in Louisianna when i saw him falling outta the tree..... his brother already had dibs on his computer! hehehe.... oh well, all is good, he's bruised, scuffed up, bloody, and swolen but he's alive....

note to guys who think it's fun to climb trees---- DONT DO IT!!! Your wife will kill you if you don't kill yourself!
