View Full Version : I have never complained...

March 27th, 2004, 09:35 PM
but tonight I am. You guys know I like the server but whoever was ninja admining tonight was going a little overboard. The first round on Dust2 I was still alive and some admin slayed me and auto swapped me to CT. Later on in the map Apocolypse was playing at his friends house under the name SPIKE and he got slayed and auto swapped also. Now...I don't have a problem in the world swapping teams for an admin, I just play to have fun, so let's get that out of the way. I did an all say message saying how about you quit slaying people to auto swap and just ask someone to swap or swap yourself since when it happened all of the T side was La_Merc and whoever was doing it was moving T's over to CT's. Immediately after I said this I got slayed again with a stop whining message posted on rsay. People on when this was happening was Merdawk, Sniper, Marverick, and Heater that I saw on.

Like I said above, all anyone ever has to do it ask me to swap teams to even em out, but don't slay me round one and auto swap me, then slay someone else and auto swap them, either wait till they are dead or swap yourself since it was T's being moved to CT and at that time all the Merc's were on T. And it wasn't spawn death as the first time it happened I checked the pull down log and the second time I got the smart ass don't whine remark right afte rit happened.

March 27th, 2004, 09:37 PM
Oh and also. right after I got auto swapped tonight my GUI interface for changing teams got changed over to the word only thing. This all started happening right around 10pm central time if anyone tried to pull a server log.

March 28th, 2004, 08:33 AM
I switched you to try and even up teams because alot of the time you have pretty good rounds and i thought you could help the auto switch slays youif you are still alive. As for spike if that was apoc he should know better i had switched him and then he switched right back so i did it again and it got repetative so i put ap amessage i think 3 times telling him if he was switched he needed to stay where he was put.

March 28th, 2004, 09:59 AM
As far as helping to even the teams all you have to ever do is ask me and I will swap if you think the teams need some evening up. I got mad because I was 1 of 2 T's alive and I got auto swapped 1 second before the bomb blew up and killed me. That was the first round before everyone had even reconnected to the server.

March 28th, 2004, 12:26 PM
well sorry about that but if you remember the teams were really uneven they were like 11 to 5 or something like that when i joined they were 4 and 4 so i switched some people that i thought joined after i did it was ridiculous i mean 5 and 11 sorry for getting you upset but i used to ask all the time and noone would move so now i just move people

March 28th, 2004, 01:45 PM
ok so i can understand if teams were 5 on 1 and it depends if those 5 were good players that could take on 11 noobs and that we have been asking for more attention with admins on to take charge so i commend you on that. but i feel he has valid point of asking first, but the part that had me alittle upset was when you said that you autoed Apoc or who ever it was to another team and when he switched back he got sent to the other team again.made it sound like it was more than once. i know this would upset me if i joined a server and picked a team just so some one could switch me. if this happened to me multiple times it would piss me off. (what iam thinking is who has the right to force me to play a game i pay for to play on a team i dont whant to)
might sound alittle wierd and yeah i would probably go to another server and not frequent that server very much. i hope you can understand were iam coming from and again thanks. :violin

March 28th, 2004, 03:25 PM
Yea, the teams were really uneven. I always end up being the first person into a new map with my souped up system so I auto select a team. Sniper was right, it was like 11 T's to 5 CT's AFTER he auto'd me.

Honestly, the point that got me so mad wasn't really the first auto swap. When SPIKE (who was apoc) was getting swapped and kept dying because of it I made the comment about "asking someone to swap instead of slaying em, wait till the round is over, or a La_Merc swap since they were all on T" immediately after this comment I got slayed with a rsay message to quit whining. This is what pissed me off more than anything.

March 28th, 2004, 06:52 PM
big poppa i understand where you are coming from and i hope you can understand where ia m coming from we have alot of people that complain about teams being stacked and it looks like when something is trying to be done about it we will get more complaints and if an admin wanted me to play on the other side i wouldnt get upset because this is a game and if that was apoc he should not have cared because we all know that he can own on any side
