View Full Version : bad business

March 25th, 2004, 12:24 PM
You guys have got to read this, pretty funny. It gets good around mid way through the 2nd page


March 25th, 2004, 01:06 PM
Holy crap...that's the longest thread I have ever read.

March 25th, 2004, 01:26 PM
omg, i need to stop now.....but interesting!! poor Will, getting no biz from me!!

March 25th, 2004, 02:08 PM
wow there is 2 hours of my life gone, but still really good. I signed up there. My name is "WillSucks". I posted there as well, asking if anyone has a pic of this nazi. :)

March 25th, 2004, 02:37 PM
excerpt from one random poster.....funny shizzle:

"Who we suing and when? I want to sue you, myself and I. I'll sue Suzuki, the tire manufaturer, rotor maker, speedo maker, crater, trucker (and his wife), gas company, Bill Gates, the phone company, the guy that installed my modem, my mother, camera maker, the doctor that delivered you or the shell that you were hatched from.
I don't like what you are saying so stop it, or I will sue the guy that wrote that freedom of speech $hit.
Anyone that responds to this post will be unilaterrally as hereforementioned and without remorse to the parties stated above, below, or in the middle without question or legal rights, be indefinetly SUED."

March 25th, 2004, 07:10 PM
HAHAHAHA how many hundreds of thousands of people, potential customers of Wills, have read that thread?
and the stupid idiot won't even give the buyer what he should to make it right??? he'll be on wellfare before long.
he should go to the bike dealership and order all the missing parts brand new and have them deliverd directly to the buyer.
he should go above and beyond while being humble and appologetic, instead he is not doing anything and being arrogant about it.

March 26th, 2004, 10:23 AM
I stoppped readin after page 11...thats insane. I did post though and add our url.:D

March 26th, 2004, 08:11 PM
OMG... That thread snowbald into an avalanch,,,

All together everone!!!!



March 26th, 2004, 11:28 PM
my eyes r burning!

March 27th, 2004, 12:02 AM
That is some funny stuff! Does anyone selling thing s not realize the options facing consumers now a days? Customer Service rules everything! Pure and simple! Lose money pleasing a customer to bring more around. Especially on the internet! woah!
