View Full Version : Headphones...

March 10th, 2004, 07:13 AM

Am looking to purchase some headphones, but I don't know what kind to get. I'm looking at one of these two:

The problem is, I know plenty about computers and parts and stuff...but little to nothing about audio crap.

Does anyone have any input?


March 10th, 2004, 07:24 AM
LaTech, umm Walmart and staples has them for about $20.00. There nice and they work pretty good. I'm sure there's a walmart around there somewhere. hehehe.....:foshizzle

March 10th, 2004, 07:25 AM
That first link doesn't have a mic. If it did, it would be the better of the 2

March 10th, 2004, 07:31 AM
Yea,, your looking for a headset, not headphones.. if you were looking for headphones you should do SONY...

March 10th, 2004, 07:34 AM
Oh, didn't notice that Toby...thanks.

DL, I know Wal-Mart has them....I want QUALITY though. lol

March 10th, 2004, 07:36 AM
One point of advice make sure it has a volume knob on the cord, it helps alot :)

I got these for christmas and they sound GREAT the bass is outstanding. The mic is very sensitive and crystal clear. The only downside is that there is no volume control on it, BUT my keyboard has a volume knob so it works out fine for me:


March 10th, 2004, 07:48 AM
small thing tech but its important,

If you get one like onji is suggesting, make sure that the clip on the volume control for the cord is a strong clip... Ive used two of these types, LOVE the soud quality, and they are comphy.. BUT the friggin clips keep breaking so the cord just hangs down.. kinda get annoying, so notice the clip!


March 10th, 2004, 08:22 AM
Plantronics Plantronics Plantronics!! Max got me hooked on them, and I will never buy a nother pair..again..doh i got mad hehe ;)

March 10th, 2004, 09:03 AM
Ok LaTech... lol... if ya ever need anything advice about something from Walmart just give me a call... Walmarts my friend... lol

Sorry I couldn't help....

March 10th, 2004, 09:07 AM
H, like Onji was saying.. there is no volume control on the sony headphones that he posted the link for. He has to use the Volume control on the keyboard.

Originally posted by LA_MERC_}{y|3ri|)
small thing tech but its important,

If you get one like onji is suggesting, make sure that the clip on the volume control for the cord is a strong clip... Ive used two of these types, LOVE the soud quality, and they are comphy.. BUT the friggin clips keep breaking so the cord just hangs down.. kinda get annoying, so notice the clip!


March 10th, 2004, 09:11 AM
Will do DL! lol

Well, I ordered the Plantronics...will see how they do. Thanks for the input all! (even you DL)


March 10th, 2004, 09:52 AM
LOL your welcome... *wink wink*

March 10th, 2004, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_i||ega|-op
H, like Onji was saying.. there is no volume control on the sony headphones that he posted the link for. He has to use the Volume control on the keyboard.

Jared :beup:

Jared :chickenhe

I dont be listening to what people are sayin, you know this. Hehe reguardless the cord clips for the volume controlls on some headsets suck.

March 10th, 2004, 10:56 AM
Plantronics 90's http://www.plantronics.com/north_america/en_US/catalog/display_product_detail.jhtml?rootId=cat640035&prodId=prod440020&productTypeId=cat1430032

March 10th, 2004, 10:57 AM
BTW, Scott - you realize the plantonics' that you posted in your first post have thier own sound card, and plug into the UsB port...right? I have that set at work, and they work fine, but you won't even be using your PC's sound card.

March 10th, 2004, 11:42 AM
I have to agree with max and eob. i also have the plantronics 90 headset. i never regret getting it. acid convinced me to get them...and as much as i hate to admit it he was right. there are great. and not very expensive.

March 10th, 2004, 11:57 AM
That's ok, Max...it's only going to be used when I play games (not as often as I like). lol

March 10th, 2004, 11:58 AM
i also have the Plantronics 90 model and they work better than any i've ever used.

March 10th, 2004, 05:05 PM
Audio 90's own. My old clan I ran was sponsored by Plantronics and they sent us 20 of the Audio 90's. I still have 2 pairs boxed up for when my current pair gets old:laugh:

March 10th, 2004, 08:42 PM
man i could have used a pair last month yo.. the left hear went out so i broke it ><

March 10th, 2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Onji
One point of advice make sure it has a volume knob on the cord, it helps alot :)

I got these for christmas and they sound GREAT the bass is outstanding. The mic is very sensitive and crystal clear. The only downside is that there is no volume control on it, BUT my keyboard has a volume knob so it works out fine for me:


Look nice, but one thing I noticed about those type of headphones is that curving around your ear makes the back of it sore after awhile if you on puter hours at a time..good just be me :) But I love the headset i got, comfy, mic that works great, and a volume control with an endless cord..especially usefull with your computer on the floor :p

(EDIT: I beleive this is the one I have : http://www.plantronics.com/north_america/en_US/catalog/display_product_detail.jhtml?rootId=cat640035&prodId=prod440020&productTypeId=cat1430032 : )

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
March 11th, 2004, 01:50 AM
I was checking out the Zalman ones myself but the lack of a mic really suckz0rs. I also checked out the Bose headphones and those things have awsome sound quality and totally cover your ears, not mashing them into your skull. So they are about as comfortable as anything you can buy, but again they don't have a mic. Unless I wanted to get the ones used in airplanes, only like $800 for the cheap headset.

March 11th, 2004, 06:12 AM
This is what I use:

Very comfy and sounds great. Of course if you don't have a Bestbuy to go to...

March 11th, 2004, 06:30 AM
