View Full Version : The saddest day ever.....

March 9th, 2004, 12:29 PM
well...its been bout a week and a half now....but i was goin done the interstate and wrecked my car. it was the worst thing ever. i hit a patch of ice and started spinnging until a nice sign decided to slow me down. i loved that car....and i had just paid it off 4 days before the wreck. :( waaaahhhhh!!!!

March 9th, 2004, 12:43 PM
Ics? What's ice?

March 9th, 2004, 12:47 PM
You aren't the only one who had a bad time with the ice. Just ask M@lachi!

March 9th, 2004, 01:01 PM
omg nooo not the nova!!

tech ill post some pictures of ice if that will help ya


March 9th, 2004, 02:07 PM
LOL. Don't feel bad Negative~One. Just got my f150 out of the shop from my incident with ice. Evil stuff.

March 9th, 2004, 02:24 PM
Aww man sorry to hear that! I like Novas. FIX IT UP FIX IT UP FIX IT UP!!!!!!

March 9th, 2004, 02:38 PM
My mom ran me over when I was 5 with a Nova. No lie...here's the story -

It was a rainy afternoon. We had just gotten back from my grandparents house and I, being the nice boy that I was, told my mom that I would open the garage door for her (so she wouldn't get wet...kids are so nice when they are little...or so I am told). I get out of the car, open the door and step out of the way as I had been told to. My mom started to pull into the garage. I noticed my sister (3 years old) making faces at me because I Was getting rained on, and she wasn't. I jumped up to the car and grabbed ahold of the door so I could scare her. Well, as my hand hit the door latch, my feet slipped out from underneath me. My legs (from just above the knee down) were now under the car. My torso and arms weren't. My mother, who hadn't noticed me slip or anything, continues to pull the car into the garage, thereby rolling over not one, but both of my legs. I screamed. My mom heard that and thought she was on my head, so she put it in reverse (please note, the car was still on top of one of my legs...she wasn't trying to finish me off, or, that's what I tell myself anyway!) and backs BACK over my legs. We rush to the hospital where they declare me fine. I stay for 1 day and go home the next with 2 bruises on my legs, and that's it.

Anyway, that's my Nova story...as such, I will never own one, but I have nothing against those that do.


March 9th, 2004, 02:57 PM

March 9th, 2004, 03:06 PM
Negative~one every person who has got in a wreck tells me it happens after they finish paying for their cars. I'm very sorry for what happend but i just had to asked that

Tech did it hurt when ur mom backed the car over u?

if it is anything i had a 4-wheeler thrown on top of me.

Going up the levee with my step-brother and he hit a hole the
4-wheeler flipped and i rolled of and next thing i know i have a
4-wheeler on me with the foot part for the passenger somewhere that i didnt want it.

March 9th, 2004, 07:04 PM
omg Tech, ahahahah, not funny dude.. ahh..aheh...aheheh!! that sucks so bad! but hey, it might be the reason you turned out like you did, and we all lub j00!! :p: hehehehehehe

March 9th, 2004, 07:12 PM
NOVA's are tuff cars, it looks like all you will need to put it back together is a left fender, a wheel, and mayby an upper control arm if it got bent. A little bit of TLC will put that car back together.

March 9th, 2004, 07:44 PM
yeah yellow....it just needs a fender, fenderwell, and a new rim....i hope to have it fix in about a month....and latech....thats just sad...lol

March 9th, 2004, 08:15 PM
lol @ tech

My nephew had something similar happen. The funny thing is although a large amount of weight is on you, the air pressure in the tire adjusts the weight slightly (more or less preventing major damage).

Bottom line, sucks your car got dinged neg one, but look at it this way: as long as you are in one of those old steel behemoths, you could probably survie anything short of a direct thermo-nuclear strike!

And you can always fix a car, not a person!

March 9th, 2004, 11:25 PM
Ouch, hurt just listening to these Nova stories.
