View Full Version : HL2 Survey Results

March 4th, 2004, 02:37 PM
This is pretty interesting, its the results from the hl2 survey that you get when you update steam. Their updating it regularly. Just something to kill time if you wanna check it out:


March 4th, 2004, 02:49 PM
would you like to take a survey?

March 4th, 2004, 03:02 PM
yeah it is very interesting to see how many people out there still use win 95. Or for that matter people who have XP without service pack one, a.k.a people who do not do windows updates or can't because they can't find out how to make there illegal copy of XP a legal one. I also find it sad to see all the pep's running at 640X480, man takes me back 10 years when I see that stuff, reminds me of DOOM and Falcon 3.0. OMG I did not know you could run CS with only 24 megs of ram. People with 14.4 k modems give a new definition to the word LAG.

March 4th, 2004, 03:17 PM
dial-up, i remember those days

dail-up = 'shoot where their GONNA be'

March 4th, 2004, 05:12 PM
now this is interesting:

AuthenticAMD 155,546
GenuineIntel 156,669

March 4th, 2004, 05:14 PM
Wow, I'm surpsised to see AMD doing so well. Its 50/50 with intel. That's amazing if you consider the marketing power Intel has over AMD and the fact that a lot of people play on Mom and Dads machine and that is usually an intel machine.

March 4th, 2004, 07:22 PM
anyone else notice this?

Game Screen Width:
Unspecified 11,561 3.59 %
96 pixels 1 0.00 %
320 pixels 8,417 2.61 %
400 pixels 11,031 3.43 %
480 pixels 158 0.05 %
512 pixels 224 0.07 %
600 pixels 1 0.00 %
640 pixels 49,883 15.49 %
647 pixels 1 0.00 %
720 pixels 680 0.21 %
768 pixels 3 0.00 %
800 pixels 83,298 25.87 %
832 pixels 15 0.00 %
960 pixels 193 0.06 %
1,024 pixels 118,234 36.72 %
1,088 pixels 38 0.01 %
1,104 pixels 1 0.00 %
1,152 pixels 12,189 3.79 %
1,200 pixels 7 0.00 %
1,280 pixels 21,089 6.55 %
1,400 pixels 124 0.04 %
1,440 pixels 45 0.01 %
1,520 pixels 1 0.00 %
1,600 pixels 4,633 1.44 %
1,680 pixels 38 0.01 %
1,792 pixels 16 0.00 %
1,800 pixels 14 0.00 %
1,856 pixels 2 0.00 %
1,920 pixels 88 0.03 %
2,048 pixels 33 0.01 %

96 pixels??????they playing on a cellphone?

March 4th, 2004, 09:41 PM
I'm taking the survey now, but the connection speed page has me confused. I'm debating over two choices.

DSL > 768

I have DSL, but it's alot faster than 768 (about 3.5MB right now, gonna be about 8 in a few weeks), but it's not a T1...

so what should I choose?

I'm gonna to T1/LAN because it better represents my conneciton speed.
