View Full Version : Error While In Game???

March 4th, 2004, 02:03 PM
OK... can anyone tell me what this error means..I think its a lose of data because of a slow conection but not sure.( this is my brother-N-Laws Dial up Conection )


The error happens right after loging into a server with a ping rate around 250 to 300, the conection seems stable but once the error happens CS has to shut down, and its all downhill from there.

Just reistalled 1.6 and DL'ed all the updates, restarted PC and then tried palying online.

March 4th, 2004, 03:54 PM
Well first we need to know if you are a dial-up user or a broadband user. If you are a dial-up user, you many be losing packets of data due to the fact that your modem is using Asynchronous data transmissions. Which means that if there is an error on your end of the data being sent that the receiver will not request the data be resent, thus the error is over looked or skipped causing a brake down in communication. If your modem is using Synchronous data communication the error checking would already be encoded in the data sent, thus almost eliminating any chance of data being lost, but if data is lost the receiver just requests that the data be resent. Unless the random intervals between each packet being sent is so great that the receiver is losing contact with you. Your high ping probably has a lot to do with your problems. The error is most likely on your end, some how Parity error checking is not working or is unable to work due to conditions on your end.

You may also want to check and see if there are any kind of electrical devices radiating electromagnetic fields that could be interfering with your data communication. If the shielding on your wires is not adequate things like your neighbors kitchen microwave can cause interference. The Frequency of things like TV’s and cell phones, or any kind of electrical device, can cause data on your wires to degrade or change into useless garbage. Data validation is supposed to take care of this, as well wire shielding is too, unless that data is being corrupted before it enters the circuit.

You may want to try and find a new driver for your modem, maybe even finding an old one.

Also move any unnecessary electrical devices away from your computer. Just because you have never had a problem before does not mean you are not having one now.

Make sure your cabling from your modem to your wall, and if possible out side of your house, looks ok. Make sure there are not too many wires laying on top one another, or if they are make sure they are crossing each other so you can eliminate the natural radiation of signals from one medium to another.

Last, try a different modem.

There is always the old fdisk, format, and restore, but doing that may do nothing for you. The problems may be outside of your control. Such things as, the path taken from your House to your ISP to the LA_MERC server is out of your control. This path changes, it is based on work load of the lines, availability of the lines, and quality of the path taken. So much can happen between here and there.

OK, really I am just board, what I have said above could happen, but most likely has not. Do a web search on the exact wording of the error, I guaranty you are not the first person this has happened to, maybe some on the web knows a fix. I sure don't weeeeeeee spam spam spam spam spam


March 4th, 2004, 05:09 PM

I didnt expected to get such a detailed response, I feel so special....HEHEHEHE J/K

But for real, its a dial up conection. I have re-wired his phone lines in his house with sheilded cat 5 cable. Dont think there are any apliances interfering with the signal. The card is a US robotics V92. The connection rate he had at the time of the trouble was 34.6 KPS.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
March 5th, 2004, 01:33 AM
I get that sometimes too and I'm dailup. Do a tracert to the server and see where your getting blocked up. When I have that problem it times out at my isp so it just means my isp sux. But it could be somewhere else in the connection. There's nothing I've found that can fix the problem and it comes and goes on me here recently, again it's my isp haxin me. I connect at 44 to 46 and my ping is 220ish when there's only a few people on in the middle of the night. Goodluck at 34.6kps, maybe you can figure it out.
