View Full Version : hmmm...

March 1st, 2004, 06:27 PM
alright guyz, im not sure if i should be posting this here but im in serious need of some expertise

about 6 months ago some guy started hacking into my computer changing all my passwords on email accounts and online game accounts and just annoying me to death... i never gave him the pleasure of responding to anything, i reformated my HD, changed my ip, started using zone alarm pro, did everything anyone suggested to keep him out of my computer...

now i dont even have that computer anymore, and now im living with my best friend... and now the same guy has sent various emails to my friend and his wife threating their lives and their daughters life.. the cops just left here basically saying they cant do anything at all

i need to figure out who this guy is badly, but i dont know what else to do... ive talked to the cops, cox, hotmail, and sony (everquest and SWG) noone will help me out

does anyone know anything else i can do??

please help me out.. yall are the only people i have left to ask for help

March 1st, 2004, 07:07 PM
Man this sucks wish i could do something have u talk to the FBI one Threats arte made via e-Mail then is a FReadal Crime

March 1st, 2004, 07:11 PM
What do you knwo about the guy? (his email, his name, his IP)...all these things can help

March 1st, 2004, 07:29 PM
Yeah man - that sux big time!
Have you looked through your event viewer to see when the intrusions took place - get an ip or anything?

March 1st, 2004, 08:04 PM
If he sent you threatening emails, even with a hotmail account, the cops can get a court order to have hotmail release the users information who was using that account at the exact time the email was sent. With the account information and IP address of the user, they can then follow up with that person's ISP and get their home address, billing name, and home phone.

Do you have any information at all?

March 2nd, 2004, 05:57 AM
Give toby his ip, im sure toby can drive him crazy :D :D :D

March 2nd, 2004, 04:16 PM
i know being on the computer makes it a federal crime... i cant get his ip.. as in his ip is dynamic and is normally the same ip as the computer im on are the one he is hacking into.. untraceable to any means i know of

if someone knows a good way to trace ips please let me know.. but he reroutes his ip many of times before doing anything.. few times i was able to get it, it went thru shell accounts and then dead ended

ive told every law enforcement agency everything but to no avail.. all they say is there not equipped to do anything about it

all the emails come from my old email account which he stole long time ago or from my friends which he is making threats to

im using zone alarm pro and black ice which logs so many ips its hard to determine what is what and once a day they are deleted from the HD for no apparent reason

March 2nd, 2004, 04:18 PM
Are you sure it isn't someone your are trusting to physically use your machine?

March 2nd, 2004, 04:19 PM
i believe his name is chad from laffayette.. i think i might have a phone number but cant be sure

but even with that info, the law still cant or wont do anything

i have to have his IP, but no one will help me get it and apparently i cant do it by myself

March 2nd, 2004, 04:20 PM
im positive that its not someone physically using my machine
(since i broke up with my girl friend)

March 2nd, 2004, 04:25 PM
oh yea, his hotmail account that i originally found out is coochie85@hotmail (but not sure if that is actually his or stolen)

but i can prolly get his aim name and other emails if it will help in anyway

March 2nd, 2004, 04:26 PM
do you have a strong Admin password set? by strong I mean, uppercase, lowercase, numerals, special charectors...ect.

March 2nd, 2004, 04:29 PM
yes, very strong... as in hell if i know what it means

March 2nd, 2004, 05:49 PM
If you are able to trace the ip he used through multiple shell accounts then you should be able to find him. If you are just bsing about that then don't ask for help. Do you neve know what a shell account is and how to log "through" multiple shell accounts much less trace an ip through them? lol

I really doubt that he is logging into your pc to send emails to your own email account.

If he is using a hotmail account, what I said ealier would apply no matter if the account is stolen are not, they would still have the ip logged that used the account at the time of the infraction.

You are talking in circles and riddles. Unless you keep installing a client side server app that he sends you and consistantly allow it access through both of your firewalls then he is NOT getting into your computer by bypassing both firewalls.

I doubt there are any "hackers" in lafayette that know how to do much more than use subseven.

Most law enforcement offices have at least one person in their office that is associated with the FBI task force. If they know there is an issue and they are not addressing it then its not weither or not they have the resources, they have to find the resources.
