View Full Version : South Carolina Laws

February 23rd, 2004, 10:07 AM
• It is considered an offense to get a tattoo.

• Performing a U-turn within 1,000 feet of an intersection is illegal.

• All schools must prepare a suitable program for Francis Willard Day.

• Dance halls may not operate on Sundays.

• Horses may not be kept in bathtubs.

• Fortune tellers are required to obtain a special permit from the state.

• A railroad my not remove itself from a town of more than five hundred people.

• Merchandise may not be sold within a half mile of a church unless fruit is being sold.

• It is perfectly legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays.

• Every adult male must bring a rifle to church on Sunday in order to ward off Indian attacks.

• Musical instruments may not be sold on Sunday.

• When approaching a four way or blind intersection in a non-horse driven vehicle you must stop 100 ft from the intersection and discharge a firearm into the air to warn horse traffic.

• It is illegal to sell any alcoholic beverages on Sunday, unless you own a private club. (Repealed November 2000)

• It is a capital offense to inadvertently kill someone while attempting suicide.

• By law, if a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, the marriage must take place.

• It is illegal to communicate with a woman using obscene messages.

• No work may be done on Sunday.

• An exception to the above law is that light bulbs may be sold.

• Railroad companies may be held liable in some instances for scaring horses.

• It is illegal to display a confederate flag on a courthouse.

• A person must be eighteen years old to play a pinball machine.

• It is a capital offense to inadvertently kill someone while attempting suicide.

• It is illegal to give or receive oral sex in South Carolina.

• It is against the law to drive a motorized vehicle on King Street.

• The Fire Department may blow up your house. This law was made so that the fire department could create a fire brake.

• The drinking age on Furman University campus is 60 years old.

Fountain Inn
• Horses are to wear pants at all times.

Lancaster County
• It is illegal to dance in public in Lancaster.

• Eating watermelons in the Magnolia Street cemetery is forbidden.

February 23rd, 2004, 10:14 AM
The alchohol on sunday is really sucky - everybody makes a mad dash to the store at 11:30 on saturday night for more beer...and all the liquor stores close at 7PM everynight, so you have to be sure and stop by before then, or you're stuck w/ beer for the night - also we have a freakin mini-bottle law here, for bars and resturants so a freakin bourbon and coke cost $4 usually :( Also, none of the stores can open until 1:30 on sundays.

Going back to the liquor stores, I was VERY jeoulous of you guys when I was down there last year, being able to buy liquor at convenience stores and gas stations...and it was so CHEAP!


February 23rd, 2004, 10:16 AM
Ok, Ok, Ok. Point taken. The politicians in South Carolina have not always been the brightest, most intelligent individuals in the world.

By law, if a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, the marriage must take place. -> So what if the woman backs out?

February 23rd, 2004, 11:35 AM
Purple alert :D

February 23rd, 2004, 12:13 PM
im also from sc, and i think that the tattoo law is a bunch of poo poo. but if ya know the right people it dont matter

February 23rd, 2004, 02:34 PM
I remember reading a long list of the ones, Tennesee had the funniest one i've ever seen.

Its illegal to shoot whales from a vehicle. :D :D :D

February 23rd, 2004, 07:28 PM
Forgot one:

It is illegal in Darlington to walk your pig on the sidewalks up town.

February 23rd, 2004, 08:39 PM
Geez...Glad I live in Texas...Hell we can shoot a person dead if they're invading our house without having charges slapped on us...And that no oral sex thing??? SCREW THAT! I kinda like that discharging a fire arm into the air 100ft. away from a 4 way intersection though! That sounds a bit fun!

February 24th, 2004, 06:08 AM
I want the "He needed killin' law" from Texas brought to South Carolina. We could reduce the population dramatically in the first month! :D
