View Full Version : DDR

February 18th, 2004, 01:51 PM
Anyone have/selling some DDR ram? I think my 256 is just not enough for UT, or any games we will be playing at the lan. I'm checking here before I find some online/stores. anything will do 64/128/256/512 (all that I can afford). Please and thank ya!

February 18th, 2004, 02:07 PM
256MB DDR memory runs around $40ish
Check out http://www.crucial.com

If you are doing that good on CS with 256MB memory you will own even more with 512 (never have needed more than this for any game I've played).

When I run CS on my PC running Windows XP I typically am using 380MB of memory. If my PC only has 256MB I'm hitting my paging file constantly (bascially part of your hard drive gets used as memory which is a lot slower) and my performance takes a huge hit. I also recently had to give up some high quality memory for some low end garbage and noticed a little difference in gameplay.

On that note.. Let me know what speed DDR you need and I may have a lil laying around.

February 18th, 2004, 02:23 PM
yall are gettin off easy, i have to buy rdram "rambus". check the price on it and see the differnce. i bought 2 - 256 sticks for $300 bucks

February 18th, 2004, 02:43 PM
I tried to stay as far away as possible from RAMBUS when it came out. Not much different than DDR speedwise (unless you have the $$$$ for the best of everything) and DDR actually better for some apps...

February 18th, 2004, 03:07 PM
i gots a gig of pc-3200 crucial, eob check www.newegg.com best site i would say.

February 18th, 2004, 03:59 PM
omg, no wonder why my pc seemed slow playing cs..i only have 256 mb since one of my chips went bad :( . I use pc2100 ddr, cause it's cheap. unfortunately i still can't afford to get back up to 512.

February 18th, 2004, 04:49 PM
Omega Prime has a gig of ram and a really g|-|3y spray too! Freakish little man that Prime is...

February 20th, 2004, 06:32 AM
end... i think i can get my hands on a 256 stick of pc2100 if the guy still has it . i run pc3200 and they want mix . i will check tonight.

February 20th, 2004, 07:07 AM
thanx law dog, just lemmie know thru PM or on here.. btw good to have you with us!

February 23rd, 2004, 12:12 PM
eob, not sure how picky you are but pricewatch has pc2100 ram for 27 incl shipping.

February 23rd, 2004, 07:53 PM
u can get another 256ram for round $25 on most sites....
