View Full Version : So I'd like to know what you think of UT2k4

February 17th, 2004, 07:14 AM
For all the poeple who have come out to join me in a good game(s) of Onslaught over the past few days, I wanna know what you think of the game so far.

Personally I think its what UT2k3 SHOULD HAVE BEEN!!!! and I love it!

February 17th, 2004, 07:28 AM
I'm right there will you josh. I play it every night. DM is okay, but hard to find a challenge haha :p But onslaught is so awesome. Best part is, never can only 1 person do the job. I may have 100 kills but the team could loose in a blink of an eye. Is anyone else as interested in UT as tyler and mysel?? Or are you all still bfcs junkiezZ?

February 17th, 2004, 07:36 AM
It's awesome, I just wish you guys would idle in our teamspeak channel so we could know when you are playing, and where :)

February 17th, 2004, 07:42 AM
As soon as Im finished working on my comps at home I'll be playing UT a lil every night.

February 17th, 2004, 08:06 AM
I played a good bit of onslaught last night (my computer broke this weekend so I brought a good one home from work) and I loved it! I gotta get with you guys and play

February 17th, 2004, 10:33 AM
man me and tyler was woopin some booty last night...when we where on the same team, we never lost...and most of the time it was either him or me on top...was a blast..

February 17th, 2004, 10:36 AM
Yea, me and Mercy just made others looked bad!!! Nox got in with us too! It was awesome! There is no doubt, UT is, has been and will always be my game!... Also, big D, whats our Teamspeak channel?? Post the info in here, and I'll be glad to hop in there!

February 17th, 2004, 10:39 AM
Oh, and mercy.. update your signature.. it should now be the UT2k4 division!

February 17th, 2004, 11:00 AM
i'm game for some ut tonight, i'll be on that same server :p

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 17th, 2004, 11:11 AM
UT2k4 is my first attempt at any UT game, and I think it's freaking awsome! I suck pretty bad but I guess it's not a whole lot different from my suckage at CS. I really like the DM stuff, reminds me a lot of JK2, which I thought was really kewl except for my ping which was 350+. I can actually play UT2k4 online and it's been a blast. Probably not going to see me much on the CS server for a while.

February 17th, 2004, 12:20 PM
I am there please get on TS or get me out of CS, Mercy can testify that my 1337 driving skilz have transfered from BF1942 :laugh:

LA_MERC_IamABigBoon, please check new private post for the teamspeak info, I bumped the thread.

February 17th, 2004, 12:21 PM
LOL!... thank you!

February 17th, 2004, 12:23 PM
if we get enough ppl we need a lil ut2004 tourney at the lan.. that be very interesting.. Also, if we play some UT tonight, lets his a DM server. I have not played agaist tyler for a bit, and I wanna see how good he has gotten..:awp: :rocket:

February 17th, 2004, 12:27 PM
LOL!... I have not played DM at all in UT yet, just Onslaught, but my Halo skills seems to have moved with me to this game, and I have gotten straight GOOD in Halo...

February 17th, 2004, 01:34 PM
yeah i like it too, its alot of fun, onslaught rox

February 17th, 2004, 03:02 PM
im up for some tonite...will be on about 9pm or so...have class tonite...

February 17th, 2004, 03:26 PM
Hey guys, I found this article on the Onslaught mode. It has some good tips:

I thought this would come in handy for our matches on the new UT2004 mode Onslaught. I noticed a lot of people still don't understand the concepts and I was hoping this would give us some more competitive games, unlike what we are having now. I found this on the Atari Unreal Tournament forum:


Onslaught is a new form of game in Unreal Tournament 2004. Since this is a new form of game, many of the old tactics you are used to fly out the window. In onslaught the goal is to take all the nodes in a row until you have the node next to the enemy base and then kill the core in the other team's base. One significant point is that you do not have to have all the nodes to attack the enemy base; you merely need to hold the node next to their base and that node must not be isolated. (More on isolated nodes later)

Taking Nodes:

To take a node, you must touch the creation pad of the node by running over the pad. Please note that doing this in a vehicle does NOTHING. You MUST be on foot.

Once you have started creation of the node it will build enormously slowly. You accelerate this build by using a Link Gun in secondary mode and firing at the node. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS HELPS YOUR NODE AND HURTS AN ENEMY NODE. If you simply touch the node and get in a vehicle, you might as well log out because you arent helping your team. The effect of the link gun is CUMULATIVE so if more than one person is using it on a node, then it builds even faster. In fact, it is actually better if you link another player that is using his link gun on the nodes. This will magnify the effect of his link gun to much more than two individual link guns could do. In addition, keep in mind that other weapons will not help your node build, only the link gun.

On the Attack:

When attacking the nodes of the other team, its important to understand that you cannot attack any enemy node that doesnt have a link to a friendly node. Any nodes that are not attackable appear on the map with a padlock symbol. In the game they will have a shield around them. Therefore, standing there shooting the enemy node with a shield around it wont help one bit. Even direct hitting it with the redeemer wont kill it. This also goes for the power core. I often see enemy team members come for the power core when they havent even gotten their first node. You must attack the nodes to form a chain.

Isolated nodes occur when a node can not trace a path back to the base. In order to attack nodes adjacent to an isolated node, you must first "un-isolate" the node by taking nodes that will give it a chain back to the base. Isolating a node is a great tactic and you should be aware of it because if that node gets cut off while you are playing around elsewhere you will likely loose.

When talking about attacking the other nodes, please note that I didnt say attack the players. The players are irrelevant. If there is a node from an enemy and you are firing at players, you are wasting your time. You may get 50 frags and be a l33t dude but you will still LOOSE. The enemy will just respawn and kill you. YOU must kill the NODE. The node can be killed by using any weapon on it including vehicular weapons.

One important thing to note about attacking nodes is that the enemy cannot respawn at nodes under attack (being damaged) so you are actually hindering them a great deal by hitting the node. This also means that if someone is attacking your nodes, you should heal the node before you run off!!!

Crunch Time:

Once the enemy has the node next to your base, they can attack your core. This is the time where you throw yourself at the node. Every other priority is secondary. If there is a guy trying to kill you, dodge but keep firign at the NODE. You must kill this as soon as possible because the enemy will SWARM the base and you will loose the game.

Once you take that NODE clear the opposition and then ... NO STOP ... DONT GET IN THAT VEHICLE. Confused? Dotn be, get out the link gun and BUILD THE NODE. This will let you attack their nodes and push them back. If you just go for frags the enemy that is attacking the node will blow it up and you will be in crunch time. If all 5 of you use a link gun on the node, it will build in seconds.

Scoring Points:

In onslaught you score points by doing one of three things, killing enemies, killing nodes, building nodes. Note that the people that kill and build nodes will score far more points than those that only kill players. This is a good thing because it reminds you that the focus is on the nodes and killing players is merely a means to the end of killing nodes and building your own. If you want to score high, focus on the nodes.

Tips and Tricks:

Hit and Run:
This is a great trick to clear out a congested node. Take a fast vehicle like a manta and go full speed at the node, hit the left mouse button to drop down and when you are near the node, hit E to get out of the vehicle while it is at top speed. The vehicle will plow through any troops there and by then you will have your weapon out and be working on the node.

Link Gun:
Save it for building the nodes, not killing nodes or players. You will need the ammo to accelerate the build. If there is a teammate firing his link gun at your node then change your aim and link into your teammate. This magnifies the intensity of the link gun. If there are three separate poeple all firing link guns on the node then they are being inefficient.

Not Getting Run Over:
If you see an enemy vehicle approaching get ready. If you have an avril that should be your weapon, if not you want the shock rifle in primary fire (because of the knockback). The shock rifle will take a movign manta to a full stop. At any rate get ready with the dodge jump. When they are near you, dodge quickly, turn and fire.

Keep in mind that the Avril can be used to lock on late. If you lock them up early, some vehicles can avoid the lock. Fire it in their general direction and then lock them up when its close. Don't give them a chance to duck behind cover. This trick can also be used to camoflage your location. Dont fire straight at the tank, Aim well wide and then when the rocket is way out there, lock him up. His directional indicator wont show your direction but rather that from which the rocket hit.

Its on top of the tower in Torlan. You will need a raptor to get it.

When you spawn, take a second to heal that node of any damage before you run off. You will be helping your team win.

This is a great thing to do with a manta. When you grab it use alt-fire to decend and then two teamates can jump on (one per side) and surf. You can drop one teammate at each node to start. In addition, the teammates can act like extra weapons. You can also do this with other vehicles but its much harder to get on.

When on the base of a node, you can use E to teleport to any other friendly node.


Now that you have read this guide you know that the NODES and not the frags are important in this game. Killing is merely secondary.

Take note of the surfing part. It is a fun little trick to try.

February 17th, 2004, 04:30 PM
thank Onji, that was just what i needed

February 17th, 2004, 04:52 PM
i played with mercy and tyler the other day, it rocked.
i cant wait to get the full version.
cant wait to see what other maps they got for onslaught.
i tried out the assault mode, it was too wierd for me.
but it looked like something out of mad max lol.

February 17th, 2004, 06:04 PM
I'll be on in an hour or so.. i will open my icq. I hope you guys play tonight!!!

February 18th, 2004, 05:49 AM
In case you guys haven't heard, you can preorder the Deluxe version of ut2k4 at EBGames for 40 bux which is the same price for the regular version. Has a few nice goodies in the box...talk about a nice case badge!


February 18th, 2004, 07:12 AM
Thank you, I'm actually going to get that this afternoon, I was going to get it yesterday, but I ran out of time!

February 18th, 2004, 07:28 AM
Where were you Tyler we(Onji, roXet, eob, and me) played last night.
played some onslaught, assault(which we kicked tail on) and some team Deathmatch(which Onji is teh man in)

I cannot wait for some more maps

February 18th, 2004, 07:54 AM
Yeah, I had a blast. I've gotta get my UT skills back! I can't work that stupid flak cannon anymore, I used to pwn with it. Guess I need to get used to the feel of the game so I can predict where they are going to be.

February 18th, 2004, 08:02 AM
yeah i don't know what they did with the flak canon, but it acts like WWII german flak, shoot all over and pray.
but the avril and rocket and those spider mines are MEAN!
these mines do not just sit there, they chase you down!!

February 18th, 2004, 08:03 AM
Sorry.. I wanted in yesterday, I thought my wife was going to be working late but she wasnt, and Tuesday night is our night. I WILL be in tonight about 830 or 9 though.. can yall play then???

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 18th, 2004, 10:37 AM
I need you guys to show me some tricks, I don't even know most of the names of weapons and vehicals. I like to run people down with the Hellbender, no one will ever get in with me to utilize the guns. I'll keep checking out the ONS server you put up, so if your up at 4am during the week I'll be looking for you.

Oh yeah, when I played a little Bomb Run, how in the heck do the people keep disappearing and reappearing somewhere else? I'd start shooting them then they would blur red/blue and would be somewhere else, it was crazy!

February 18th, 2004, 10:57 AM
I play when I can get time. Time is scarce these days. Still having too much fun in CS right now. Maybe Goose and I can get togethor for a game or to and see what it is really about. He is pretty good with UT. So far it really rox!

February 18th, 2004, 12:14 PM
They just released a batch of new screenshots from the final game, check out the last one, this blew my mind, space combat.


February 18th, 2004, 12:23 PM
Hey big O is there a firm release date yet?

February 18th, 2004, 12:31 PM
March 16th or March 9th.. ive heard both.. but im thinkg 16th...

and yea space combat in assault!

February 18th, 2004, 12:57 PM
man it was so much fun last night!!! Once i turned down a lot of the detail settings I did a lot better. The only problem i had with the DM server is that there were way to many people for that small map. It was still awesome. I gotta play some more to get my skills back.. And yes the flank cannon sucks now. I played the ut2003 demo after we were done last night and I do really good with it, but not the 2004 flank.. although the rocket launcher still best weapon ;)

February 18th, 2004, 01:03 PM
Ahh.. just wait till I get my sniper rifle back! I had a small heartattack when I found they had took it out in 2003.. but it will be mine again! My precioussssss!!!

February 18th, 2004, 02:32 PM
what ip do yall play on?
