View Full Version : EOB Read

February 15th, 2004, 12:44 PM
hey man ive been informed that dustin cant play in the tourney so i guess count me out of the tourney. i may still play on your team if you still want me to but im not sure if i want to pay extra money and my friend cant play on the same team with me. sad thing is this crap took place over 2 years ago and dustin has been playing in the merc server for well over a year with no problems. o well get with me on icq or aim well talk about a tourney team and if anyone is avalible then i guess ill make my choice on playing in the tourney.

February 15th, 2004, 12:49 PM
o and to the person i was speaking with on icq last nite about all this mess, and im not going to name names and im in no way trying to stir a pot, but does that include redneck? now that my friends just aint fair think about it for a lil while. thanks and guys all im really asking is that you reconsider some of the things that i was told, it doesnt make sense to hold on to stuff this long.

February 15th, 2004, 01:09 PM
Omega, I was the one you was speaking to even though I did not souly make this decision. I only agreed to contact you to inform you of this because I saw that you was planning on having a team for the tournament. This decision was agreed upon by all the admins. Yes, the mess took place 2 years ago at one of our first larger lans and at the time, they were banned from ALL future LA_MERC lans. Also, Redneck was not part of the group at the time the incident took place. The decision was to go ahead and let them attend the lan to see how things go but not to be able to take part in the tournament. If things went well then we would reconsider them being able to take part in future tournaments. If they feel that they can't play unless they are playing in a tournament then by all means, they do not have to come at all.

This post to eob could have very well been made a private message but I understand your wanting to put this out in the open to try to get other peoples reactions so it does seem to be as if you are "stiring the pot".

February 15th, 2004, 01:23 PM
in no way was i stiring the pot, i just wanted a few things cleared up is all.... thanks for explaining it and ill leave it as droped. will i still come to the lan.... yes i love the lan i look forward to it every year. also sorry but i couldnt pm eob because hes never on icq and i dont have his aim. as far as tourney play its no big deal but yes i would still like to play for the fun of it, i just dont know if i want to pay the extra cash now is all. either way i will still attend so eob could you pls get in touch with me thanks. also another reason for the post was to let some of the admins see it and maybe reconsider on a few of the players that cant play in the tourney seeing as how they have been allowed to play in the merc server for over a year with no problems. if i offended any of you im sorry but its just the way i feel about it.

February 15th, 2004, 01:26 PM
I'll post this to try to clear this up for any others who might be reading this and are like "wth are they talking about".

LA_MERC's first large lan was called BayouFragFest. Most of us worked very hard to put this together so as to make it a good experience for everyone who attended. I couldn't even count the man hours that went into planning, lining up sponsors, equipment, setting up, running and then cleaning up after but know that all these man hours came with no monitary gain to any of us. Those of you who have put on a large lan would understand the work needed to make these things happen.

This first lan also included a tournament with a cash prise. Shortly before the planning stages of BayouFragFest, a few LA_MERC members sectioned off to form their own clan which they refered to as g0ds. g0ds did attend the lan and took place in the tournament. After a match dispute and a discision made by the admins, g0ds had quite a few "choice" words towards LA_MERC's staff which even then, they went on to win the tournament. It wasn't the choice words that was the problem, it was the defacing of a sign that we had to advertise our lan then taking pictures of it and posting it on all major gaming sites and forums while further trying to bury the LA_MERC tag and what it stood for. For this, all present g0ds members were banned from attending all future lans hosted by LA_MERC. These were supposed to be ex LA_MERC members who did this and then laughed in our faces. For me, it hurt greatly considering I put hundreds + man hours into trying to make the lan work only to have a set few turn around to make it into a big joke.

February 15th, 2004, 01:48 PM
I forgot to add that since then, a hand full of the members that were part of the g0ds clan, at the time the incident took place, have come forward and apologized and I thank them for that. I guess this now leads full circle as to why we are going to allow them back only to the lan but not to partake in any tournaments hosted by LA_MERC until another group decision is made to do so.

February 15th, 2004, 10:34 PM
also sorry but i couldnt pm eob because hes never on icq and i dont have his aim.

What toby meant here was instead of creating a post in the public forums you should have used the Private message feature inside the forums. To give someone a private message you can click the "PM" icon under their sig, or you can click on thier profile and click on "Send <name> a Private Message!"

You can also view the ICQ and AIM names by clicking on the "Members" icon at the top next to the "Forums" icon.

If anyone needs any more help using these feature let me know...

February 15th, 2004, 10:38 PM
yea i had no doubt you guys wouldnt let me play and that's fine. i hope evo goes though and if they do give em mine and adams best.

February 16th, 2004, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_}{y|3ri|)
What toby meant here was instead of creating a post in the public forums you should have used the Private message feature inside the forums. To give someone a private message you can click the "PM" icon under their sig, or you can click on thier profile and click on "Send <name> a Private Message!"

You can also view the ICQ and AIM names by clicking on the "Members" icon at the top next to the "Forums" icon.

If anyone needs any more help using these feature let me know...
This is my fault, my PM box was full.. I deleted a lot otta there so I can get PMs now, sorry. And mike I will get with you on icq after work today.. was out all sunday so didn't get to read post until now. I be home around 3:30 pm est. And I'm still interested in playing in the tourney.

February 16th, 2004, 10:27 AM
thats understandable end, and omega im not trying to say you are stirring things up, its just we have this issue alot where people bring up things that shouldnt be talked about to in the public forums. And its not a situation where MERCS are trying to hide something... its more a problem of misunderstandings or misscommunication from people who "think" whats going on to those who where there. Every regular public player has the right to ask any admins about things that the see as questionable... we are not trying to keep secrets. Lets just do it in a way where you can go strait to the source of the problem and not create a situation where things can get confused or problems might arise.

Im checking my pm box now to make sure its not full also, thanks for brining that up end

February 16th, 2004, 11:00 AM
yea I guess it gets full with 71 messages.. but remember to delete your "sent' messages too, I didn't know it saved those. I'm kinda glad this post happened.. I been in merc a long time, and i never really knew what happened until now. Maybe there is still some stuff left out (for out own good) but there is nothing wrong will letting people know.. thnx again.

February 16th, 2004, 01:51 PM
yeah i was around the server when that happened but i wasnt a member yet and i remember stuff like that happening but i wasnt sure exactly what happened

February 17th, 2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_i||ega|-op
It wasn't the choice words that was the problem, it was the defacing of a sign that we had to advertise our lan then taking pictures of it and posting it on all major gaming sites and forums while further trying to bury the LA_MERC tag and what it stood for. For this, all present g0ds members were banned from attending all future lans hosted by LA_MERC

That is so lame. I'm bringing a wrecking crew to this lan in April and we're gonna get these suckazz!!!

February 17th, 2004, 04:17 PM

February 17th, 2004, 10:13 PM
i as well as dustin didnt expect to be able to compete in this tourney. I wish u guys good luck with it and all future events b/c i would love to see gaming prosper here as it has in dallas, nyc, and other larger cities. However while this is being talked about i do feel that some things are being left out.

#1.) the 2 members who were responsible for the defacing did it by themselves and no longer even play counter-strike. I myself havent spoken with either one of them in almost a year.
#2.) i feel it is wrong to punish people such as my wife (kristen), Fr0st, and Osiris for something that was done 2 years ago that they had nothing to do with nor any knowledge of. However I respect and understand you decision on banning myself, dustin, cade, and the 2 other unamed parties. Being a former LA_MERC myself would expect nothing less, but punishing those who had no knowledge of the "stunt" isnt right.

I figure this will be erased and/or i will be punished in some shape form or fashion b/c of this post, but i felt it necessary to post this since the whole situation was brought up and some facts that i just mentioned were left out or unknown to some. GL with ur lan guys and gl to all the teams participating :D

February 17th, 2004, 10:14 PM
Well guys, I understand you being upset. I was there, and part of the team. In our defense, there were many people that made some negative comments about us. Like everyone said; It's been two years,and g0ds was formed by a few LA_MERC's that wanted to play in CAL. I understand LA_MERC's feelings about being a clan for enjoyment and not competition. I just wish we could once again play together without problems. I know after the tourney, there were words being said from different sides and people wanting to switch over to g0ds. The point I'm trying to make is that, if you want to have a larger pool based on the amount of teams. To start a LAN tourney that will grow, you need as many teams as possible. Because as long as the Payoff is less than the price to enter. It will be hard to get more peopel to come.

Good luck to evo if they make it.

February 18th, 2004, 06:43 AM
You guys have to remember that this is ONLY the SECOND tournament that LA_MERC has attempted to put on. We have not had a tournament since that last episode at BayouFragFest. Also, 160 people seemed to have a good time at Armageddon I without having a tournament involved.

In response to BigPerm's post.

You have some validity to your post but you also have to remember that not one of the ex g0ds stood up to admit to what happened but every one of them was in line to post the picture and reply when it was posted. Laughing and putting LA_MERC down every chance that they got. If I had not reformated, I'd still have all the IRC logs of everything that was constantly said about LA_MERC by the g0ds members that came into our channel. Did we go to the g0ds channel and do the same? NO!

As I said to someone before, If you don't stand up for what you know is wrong then you must want to be labeled as guilty by association. At the time that g0ds was going strong, you guys had no care in the world and LA_MERC was just a stepping stone for g0ds to get to where they were going, a place to come to make fun of the people who they once said were their friends.

As both Fr0st and BigPerm said, this was in the past and a couple had come forward to apologize for past events. If you guys can not accept the fact that you are able to attend the lan to show us what type of people you have become since that time then I'm sorry for that.

Also, Adam, I don't remember anyone saying that Kristin was not allowed to play in the tournament.
