View Full Version : I got a ?

February 11th, 2004, 03:45 PM
OK all you smartie farties! I was looking in the MS Job Bank today and came across 2 jobs that I would be able to do (that is, it's a job that you don't need higher schooling for) here they are

Job 1 is Claims Adjuster? What in the heck do they really do?

Next is Typesetter? it pays $8.00 an hour.. what in the world is that??? what they do?

I'm so lost!!!

February 11th, 2004, 05:15 PM
a claims adjuster from what i understand basically takes the claims that people have filed on auto life or other types of insureance and then changes them to be more accurate to the situation... or something

February 11th, 2004, 05:36 PM
typeset is usually something that deals with newspapers, if I remember correctly.

February 11th, 2004, 05:40 PM
OMG the only 2 jobs that don't have to have anything higher then high school grad I can't do because well as we all can see I'm not a very good writer and I don't understand hafe the stuff thats given to me.. LOL..

February 11th, 2004, 05:42 PM
Oh yeah and the Claims Adjuster the Employer is willing to train...

Are these 2 jobs good jobs? Does anyone know?

February 11th, 2004, 08:53 PM
I would go with the claims adjuster if I had to choose, At least you can get some type of training, and their is bound to be some better oportunity with that type of job, Y/K like working with an insurance company..

February 12th, 2004, 04:58 AM
I agree...training is always a good idea.

February 12th, 2004, 08:30 AM
Yeah I was told by some friends that know me well that these are not the jobs for me... LOL

I'll keep looking I'll find something..


February 12th, 2004, 09:07 AM
always willing to help!
